This FCAC site has an incredible credit card selector tool, which lets you enter your province, type of card, etc. for an unbiased selection of over 260 different credit cards that includes student, general, US Dollar, and secured cards.
Link to Equifax Canada for your free credit report or to purchase it on-line:
Car shopping tips and insights: While they’re U.S. based, it’ll give you some good tips in addition to the chapter of the It’s Your Money! Book:
The Credit Counselling Society of BC’s web site, which also includes the addresses of their local offices and information on their seminars:
The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (your Federal Government) has many helpful sections on consumer credit and debt which are worth a look:
Credit unions form some of the largest financial networks in every province. Their web site has lots of helpful information and a locator to find the credit union nearest you:
For British Columbia :
For Alberta :
For Saskatchewan :
For Manitoba :
For Ontario :
The web site of the Canadian Bankers Association contains helpful hints on identity theft, purchasing a home and credit tips for youth, amongst other pages: