Kevin Ford was a single dad with custody of his two daughters when he started working for Burger King in Texas 27 years ago.
Fast forward to last month, and Kevin had remarried and put all (now) four of his daughters through high school and college. All while still working at Burger King and celebrating his 27th year in the same location without ever missing a day of work!
His store (not head office) decided to recognize that achievement with a gift bag: A single (yes, single) movie ticket, some Reese’s Pieces, a Starbucks tumbler, two keychains, two pens and two packages of Lifesavers. Yup – all items left over from previous promotions in a gift bag. By all accounts, Kevin was grateful for the recognition and the gift bag.
His daughter Seryna (and it turns out thousands of others) thought that was a little too little. So, on June 20th, she started a Go Fund Me page for her dad with a goal of $270 for 27 years. That quickly became a goal of $2,700 when she was convinced to change it to $27,000. By that time, the story of her dad had gone viral, and in less than two weeks (as of last weekend) you can add another zero to the goal as the total amount raised has blown by the $270,000 mark!

That’s a great story with a very happy ending. Oh, and Burger King head office or P.R. department? Not a word, comment, PR release or anything…