How would you like to take a three-year cruise with a base price of only $30,000 a year? You need to sign up (and pay) for the full three years, but the company is working on a “share” plan where you can split it with others and dip in and out as you choose.
375 ports in 135 countries covering all seven continents. I would go in an instant…except for the money and not being able to work remotely. The marketing isn’t just for retired couples (singles get a 15% discount off the double-occupancy rate – so it’s still rather expensive) but it’s also for people who can work remotely. They will have meeting rooms, a large business centre and 15 actual offices on the ship.

The idea is pretty unique and they’re now taking bookings. You and 1073 others could get your entire travel related bucket list completed on one (long) trip. The ship is the MV Gemini, part of Miray Cruise Lines. You’ll have all the standard cruise benefits of meals, free medical, a 24-hour staffed hospital, entertainment, etc. Although it may be a little expensive to buy the “all inclusive” alcohol package for three years…
Here’s the link of a story CNN posted on it. You still have lots of time to decide, to “sell” your boss on working remotely, your partner on a longer-than-normal holiday, get your vaccinations and a really good quality laptop before sailing in November out of Istanbul, Turkey. Bon Voyage – or happy just dreaming about it…